Scientific AI Hamprecht Lab, IWR, Heidelberg University

Lorenzo Cerrone

Hi! I am Lorenzo, and I am currently a PostDoc in the sciAI lab! I am passionate about applying advanced and principled machine learning techniques to solve real-world problems (at scale!).

My favorite playground is life sciences; I have worked on a variety of projects at the intersection of computer vision and biomedical research. To name some, I developed deep learning pipelines, for instance, segmentation using convolutional neural networks, cell detection and tracking using transformers, assembling large-scale datasets for bio-medical computer vision applications, generative models for synthetic training data generation, and cell/tissue classification using graph neural networks.

More about me

I studied Physics (bachelor’s in Rome Tor Vergata and master’s in Heidelberg). My old-time passions are chaotic dynamical systems and statistical mechanics.

I am not very good with languages, but my Python is better than my English! I love anything related to coding and trying new, exciting programming languages!

My big passions are Dogs, food, photography, and mountain bikes!