Ocima Kamboj
I am a research assistant in Fred Hamprecht’s Scientific AI Lab. I am currently working on computational techniques for Single Cell Data Analysis. More broadly, I am interested in applying ML techniques to problems in Healthcare and Life Sciences.
I obtained my Master’s from the Computational and Data Sciences Department at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2020. I worked under Dr. Phaneendra Yalavarthy in the Medical Imaging Group. I did my Bachelor’s in Production and Industrial Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (2013-2017).
I love listening to music and have been trained in Indian classical singing for a few years. I am also fond of playing guitar and have been trying to progress beyond the amateur level for years (someday it will happen)! Another amateur pursuit of mine is Photography. I can also have endless discussions on Lord of the Rings, Stormlight Archive, Wheel of Time, Fullmetal Alchemist, Code Geass… and the list goes on.